Making things with Maths

Steven Wittens


$$ i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \Psi(\mathbf{r},t) = \left [ \frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2 + V(\mathbf{r},t)\right ] \Psi(\mathbf{r},t) $$
“I don’t see how it’s doing society any good
to have its members walking around with
vague memories of algebraic formulas and geometric diagrams, and clear memories of hating them.”

Paul Lockhart, “A Mathematician's Lament”

$$ Area = \frac{b \cdot h}{2} $$
“The power to understand and predict
the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols.”

Bret Victor, “Kill Math”

f=Math; e=document.body.children[$=0]; G="globalCompositeOperation"; Q=.43; P=.05; with(e){ with(style)width=(w=innerWidth-9)+"px", height=(h=innerHeight-25)+"px"; W=(width=w/=2)/2; H=(height=h/=2)/2; g=getContext("2d"); t=w/h} with(g){ scale(W/t,H); translate(t,1); setInterval(function(){ with(E=e.cloneNode(0)) width=height=H, c=getContext("2d"); c.fillRect(0,0,h,h); g[G]=c[G]="lighter"; C=f.cos; S=f.sin; L=f.atan2; q=C($); r=S(q-$*.7)+Q; u=C(r-$*Q)+Q; a=L(q,-u*2); b=L(r,u*u+q*q); n=C(a); o=S(a); N=C(b); O=S(b); $+=P; clearRect(-t,-1,2*t,2); for(i=14; i>4; --i){ v=0; for(j=25; j; ){ M=f.log(j+.2)*Q; j--; _=$-j*.07-i*4; A=C(_+S(_*.8))*2+_*P; B=S(_*.7-C(_*Q))*3; x=C(A)*C(B)*M-q; y=S(A)*C(B)*M-r; z=S(B)*M-u; k=x*n+z*o; _=z*n-x*o; l=y*N+_*O; z=_*N-y*O; lineTo(k/=z,l/=z); lineWidth=P/z; strokeStyle="hsl("+60*S($-z)+",60%,"+~~(40-j)*(Q+!j+(.1>($-j*P)%1))+"%)"; if(z>.1)v++&&stroke(); else{ v=0} beginPath(); moveTo(k,l)} } A="drawImage"; N=H/2; c.globalAlpha=Q; c[A](e,0,0,H,H); X=k*N+N; Y=l*N+N; K=1.1; c.translate(X,Y); while(i--)c.scale(K,K),c[A](E,-X,-Y,H,H); g[A](E,-t,-1,2*t,2)} ,33)}


Tip: Hold shift to slow down animations.
$$ y = 0.5 - 0.5 \cdot \cos x $$
$$ r = 0.5 - 0.5 \cdot \cos \theta $$
$$ r = 0.5 + 0.5 \cdot \cos 8 \theta $$
$$ \begin{array}{rl} r = & \arcsin(0.5 + 0.5 \cos 8 \theta) \\ & ( 0.5 + 0.5 \cos \theta) \\ \end{array} $$
$$ \frac{\partial \mathbf{v}}{\partial t} + \mathbf{v} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{v} = -\frac{1}{\rho} \nabla p + \nu \nabla^2 \mathbf{v} + \mathbf{f} $$
$$ y = \frac{x+1}{x-3} \frac{1}{x} \frac{1}{x+2} $$

Math Machines

Bezier Curves

Paul de Casteljau


Pierre Bézier



$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} , \class{mj-red}{\vec b} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} = \class{mj-red}{\vec b} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} \neq \class{mj-red}{\vec b} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} + \class{mj-red}{\vec b} = \class{mj-green}{\vec c} $$
$$ \class{mj-green}{\vec c} - \class{mj-red}{\vec b} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} + \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} + \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} = 3 \cdot \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} = \class{mj-green}{\vec b} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} = \frac{\class{mj-green}{\vec b}}{3} = \frac{1}{3} \cdot \class{mj-green}{\vec b} $$
$$ \class{mj-red}{\vec b} - \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} = \class{mj-green}{\vec c} $$
$$ \class{mj-purple}{\vec d} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec a} + \frac{1}{3} \cdot (\class{mj-red}{\vec b} - \class{mj-blue}{\vec a}) $$
Linear interpolation
$$ lerp({\vec a}, {\vec b}, t) = \vec a + t \cdot (\vec b - \vec a) $$
Quadratic Bezier Curve
Cubic Bezier Curve
Bicubic Bezier Surface

Procedural Generation

Iñigo Quilez, Pixar

“To make a film, we have to direct
almost 200 billion pixels.
That's a lot of mathematics.”
longitude = cos(time + sin(time * 0.31)) * 2
          + sin(time * 0.83) * 3 + time * 0.02
latitude  = sin(time * 0.7 + 1)
          - cos(3 + time * 0.43 + sin(time) * 0.13) * 2.3

$$ x $$

$$ x =\hspace{3 pt}? $$

function (x) { return x }

$$ x = $$

$$ \ldots $$
$$ -4 $$
$$ -3 $$
$$ -2 $$
$$ -1 $$
$$ 0 $$
$$ 1 $$
$$ 2 $$
$$ 3 $$
$$ 4 $$
$$ \ldots $$
$$ f(x) = x $$
$$ f(x) = 1 $$
$$ f(x) = 2x $$
$$ f(x) = 2x + 1 $$
$$ f(x) = \left|2x + 1\right| $$
$$ f(x) = \left| 2x + 1 \right| - 4 $$
$$ f(x) = \left| \left| 2x + 1 \right| - 4 \right| $$
$$ f(x) = \left| \left| 2x + 1 \right| - 4 \right| - 2.5 $$
$$ f(x) = \left| \left| \left| 2x + 1 \right| - 4 \right| - 2.5 \right| $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{f(x) = 2.5 \cdot \arctan x} $$
$$ \class{mj-green}{g(x) = x} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{f(x) = 2.5 \cdot \arctan x} $$ $$ \class{mj-green}{g(x) = \sin 6x} $$
$$ \class{mj-red}{f(x) + g(x)} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{ f(x) = 0.5 + 0.5 \cdot \cos x } $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{ f(x) = 0.5 + 0.5 \cdot \cos ( max(-\pi, min(\pi, x))) } $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{ f(x) = 0.5 + 0.5 \cdot \cos ( max(-\pi, min(\pi, x))) } $$ $$ \class{mj-green}{ g(x) = thing(x, t) } $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{ f(x) = 0.5 + 0.5 \cdot \cos ( max(-\pi, min(\pi, x))) } $$ $$ \class{mj-red}{ g(x) = f(x) \cdot thing(x, t) } $$
Stacked Value Noise


$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p}, \class{mj-green}{\vec v} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_1} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_0} + \class{mj-green}{\vec v_0} \cdot 1 s $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_{1.5}} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_1} + \class{mj-green}{\vec v_1} \cdot 0.5 s $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_{i+1}} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_i} + \class{mj-green}{\vec v_i} \cdot \Delta t $$
$$ \vec f = \ldots $$ $$ \class{mj-red}{\vec a} = \frac{\vec f}{m} $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_{i+1}} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_i} + \class{mj-green}{\vec v_i} \cdot \Delta t $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_{i+1}} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_i} + \class{mj-green}{\vec v_i} \cdot \Delta t $$ $$ \class{mj-green}{\vec v_{i+1}} = \class{mj-green}{\vec v_i} + \class{mj-red}{\vec a_i} \cdot \Delta t $$ Euler integration
$$ f = -k \cdot x $$
$$ \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_{i+1}} = \class{mj-blue}{\vec p_i} + \class{mj-green}{\vec v_i} \cdot \Delta t \\ \class{mj-green}{\vec v_{i+1}} = \class{mj-green}{\vec v_i} + \class{mj-red}{\vec a_i} \cdot \Delta t $$
$$ \vec p_{i+1} = \vec p_{i} + \int_T^{T + \Delta t}{\vec v(t) \cdot dt} $$

$$ ????? $$
Verlet Integration
Runge-Kutta Methods

$$ O(\Delta t) \\ O(\Delta t^2) \\ O(\Delta t^3) $$

Sandboxes and Toys (OS X) — 3D Fractal Explorer

GLSL Sandbox, ShaderToy, Processing(.js)

(Web) Audio, AI, Puzzles

3D Printing, Electronics, Arduino


Nature Of — Daniel Shiffman

“Doodling in Math Class” — Vihart / user / Vihart

“Kill Math” — Bret Victor

Worry / KillMath


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“How to Fold a Julia Fractal”

“To Infinity And Beyond” – Slides powered by MathBox.js
Diagrams powered by MathBox.
Browse the slides source on Github.
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