Hackery, Math & Design

Steven Wittens i

Hackery, Math & Design

Steven Wittens i

Hackery, Math & Design

Steven Wittens i


Well I guess a little status update is in order, as I've just had a very busy and exciting week go by ;).

Vancouver, Canada

... is not bad at all. The people are friendly and the sights are amazing (coming from someone whose land of origin is flatter than a pancake). Pretty from most angles, anyway; -1 on the expensiveness, all the homeless people and the difficulty in finding a proper sandwich. Seriously people, meat salad is only the beginning.


... is a fun place to work at. The environment is very relaxed and the Bryght guys are a very sensible bunch (which all Drupaleers should already know). Part of the deal I have with Bryght is that I can spend a certain amount of my work time on arbitrary Drupal stuff (e.g. writing or reviewing core patches), which is working out great.

BarCamp Vancouver

... was a blast. This is the second BarCamp (and third *Camp) I've been to, and it just gets more fun every time. A ton of people showed up, all with tons of ideas buzzing around in their head. The opening party was at Bryght's new office, but the actual event was at Workspace in Gastown, an awesome shared working environment for geeks and non-geeks alike.

Empty WorkspaceSushi Ride ReduxBryght roof

The Weather

... has been awesome. Today was actually the first overcast day I've ever seen in Vancouver, and even then it didn't actually rain. I wonder how long my "Rainless Vancouver" streak will last (18 days and counting).

The Scenic Tour

... starts here as I'm borrowing a digital camera at the moment. I've been uploading the photos that don't suck to flickr.

Bryght  Canada  Vancouver
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